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Category Archives: A day in the life………

Mmmm, not a good day.  Funny how dreams run through your day. Funnier still that I should dream about my ex husband, Stephen Fry and my current husband. Whoops, did I say current husband? Freudian slip surely, for could I really cope with a third? I think not! Anyway Seems I preferred my husband at the end, so greatly relieved, although cannot recall why I recoiled from Stephen Fry. Well, the yuk yuk country village funfair is here again. Thrilled at managing to navigate  my car around their merry go rounds and strange carousel horses (reminisces of my dream) and safely made it through. I spent the good part of 15 minutes trying to work out the best way to park my car so hubby could also park while preventing any   invading persons visiting the fair from revving up outside the cottage but failed miserably. Turned off the temperamental CD player in the car which I swear I would throw out of the car window if only if were portable. How wonderful to listen to Van Morrison in the car, just would be even more wonderful to listen to him whilst the car is moving rather than only when stationary.Will work on this.

Spent the morning on the computer adding to the web page and getting stuff organised for the childless group, so stay posted group members. Pretty emotional morning though. Lots of talk at work of an ex member bringing in her baby. Lots of excitement but I am relieved I will not be working at the time she does come in. Hate these sudden emotional onslaughts that come on like moments such as these. Seem to spend my days crying to and from work. Often there is not even a trigger, there I am in floods on the bathroom floor like a blubbering idiot.  Funny how my dream was all about babies. Here I am childless and often miserable but putting on a great front and in my dream not one but three men want to make a baby with me. Must have been feeling pretty broody when going to bed last night! Ah well, reality kicks in. Dinner to cook, work to do on the computer. Again I wonder would I have time for a TV? That leads me onto the thought as always as to when are the TV licence people going to come and search the house. I wish they would, I should so enjoy it.